We’re waiting!!

Charlie and Eden are the two girls who are due to be bred when they come into season …. whenever that may be. They seem to be regularly irregular. Missed Charlie while at Westminster in February …. so I am patiently waiting for Eden. Watch this spot for any updates.

upcoming litters

The young ones (Charlie & Eden) who reside with me as well as the LL girl who lives away from me (Butter in PA) will be bred when they come into season next. Potential mates have been identified … and now we wait. Expected breedings will take in the Spring 2025.

If you are interested in upcoming litters, please contact me. Priority is given to those who have a Long Lane WSS, those who are engaged or interested in conformation showing, those who have had a WSS prior, and those who have had sporting dogs prior. My current wait list is ~1 year. The following girls will be bred when the timing is right:

Charlie (CH Long Lane Dark and Stormy Night) x Gabe (CH Rolyart’s It’s All About The Timing): Charlie is out of Harlow (CH Don’s Cirque du Soleil) and Gabe is out of Gator & Grace, two foundation WSS in the breed. Charlie’s an imp! A bird hunter! A funny girl! Her breeding with Gabe will bring back foundation WSS from Rolyart. This litter will be bred and whelped in NS. Who knows when Charlie come into season …. not that I have any control!!

Eden (Clussexx XOXOX) x Thomson (GCH Long Lane Rider on the Storm): Eden came to Long Lane from Clussexx Kennels in Illinois. Her dam, Khaki (CH Salleback’s La Criminelle D’ons), is one of my favourites. She has started her show career in the U.S. and works diligently to keep all four paws on the ground when meeting the judge (her new found friend!). She is comical in what she does and does not do. A lovely temperament! Eden completed her AKC Championship, but returned to Canada. The initial breeding with Thomson while she was in the US did not catch so she returned to NS and will be bred to Thomson when the timing works, which means a quick trip to Atlanta to see my favourite WSS folks!

Butter (CH Long Lane Ahead of the Storm) x Bos’n (GCH Long Lane Boatswain’s Mate at HMS Halsted): Butter lives with her best family in PA and finished her CH easily with Jesse & Roxanne Sutton. She is such a fun girl. This breeding will bring in some heady WSS in the pedigree —some of my favourites including Saga, Don’s, Clussexx, and Rolyart’s.

Current Litter

‘S’more’ Litter

November 25, 2023

Bliss (CH Long Lane Heart of My Heart delivered 8 puppies (7 females, 1 male) one day earlier than expected. She was restless for all of Thursday, refused any food, and wanted up on the guest room bed. This was the start of her labour. She delivered a pup ~ every hour, with the final one coming shortly after 630AM. This litter is one of the most quiet litters I have ever had …. and socialization has begun in earnest. The pups will make their way to Victoria, BC, Calgary, AB, Seattle, WA, North Bay ON, Mississauga, ON, Sudbury, MA, Raleigh, NC …. and one remaining here.

The litter theme is different from previous ones, which usually drew on the nautical geographic location and the proximity to the wonderful beaches and access to the Atlantic ocean. Because Teddy (CH Limberlost S’more) is present in both the sire and dam lines, the theme is MORE S’MORE … Or, S’more.

  • Long Lane S’more Cowbelle (Penny)

  • Long Lane S’more Than We Hoped For (Nel)

  • Long Lane One S’more For Luck/Amor de mis amores (Lita)

  • Long Lane More S’more (Tilly)

  • Long Lane Give Me Just a Little S’more Time (Birdie)

  • Long Lane The S’more the Merrier (Abigail)

  • Long Lane S’more Bang For Your Buck (Bentley)

  • Long Lane S’more Love to Spread Around (Merri)

‘8’ Litter

January 31, 2023

Bliss (CH Long Lane Heart of My Heart) delivered 8 puppies (4 females, 4 males) shortly after returning from her last vet check on January 31, 2023. This litter was a demanding one, primarily because Bliss lost her litter last year and I wanted to make certain the pups made it to their forever homes on Vancouver Island, Nelson, Calgary, Ottawa, Charlottetown, and Cambridge MA starting April 2, 2023.

  • CKC CH Long Lane 8 Point Star (Seren)

  • Long Lane V8 Powered (Aston)

  • Long Lane’s Worth My Weight N Gold (Cash)

  • Long Lane One More than Seven (Cai)

  • Long Lane Wyth Wonder of the Hillsborough River (Fynn)

  • Long Lane Eight Days a Week (Skye)

  • Long Lane Eight Ender (Pippin)

  • Long Lane Best of Eight (Lizzie)

    (Picture: Bliss, Darcy/Pippin, Scarlett/Skye, Jay/Fynn, F. Scott/Cash, Daisy/Aston, Rhett/Cai, Lizzie/Lizzie, Zelda/Seren)

‘SEA’ Litter

November 2, 2021
Harlow (CH Don’s Cirque du Soleil) delivered 8 puppies (5 girls, 3 boys with 1 girl sadly passing shortly after her birth) over 3 hours from late night to early morning (the exact hours of her previous delivery). These little puppies are precocious: early barkers, early teeth eruption, early escapes from the whelping box. All are solid puppies with fabulous structure! All pups have been spoken for and will travel to Philadelphia, PA, Milton, MA, Halifax, NS, Edmonton, AB, Rothsay, NB, Sackville, NS, and Burlington, ON.

  • Long Lane Selkie of the Sea (Luna)

  • Long Lane My Heart Was on the Sea (Holly)

  • Long Lane Calm Seas and Prosperous Voyages (Dory)

  • Long Lane She Sells Seashells (Ellie)

  • Long Lane Sea of Heartbreak (Corrin)

  • Long Lane Cool Sea Breeze (Blaze)

  • Long Lane Where the River Meets the Sea (Brymbo)


February 17, 2021

Harlow (CH Don’s Cirque du Soleil) delivered 5 puppies on Ash Wednesday, 2 boys and 2 girls (with, sadly, one stillborn) over 3 hours. These puppies were active from birth and remained fearless of every event/challenge offered them. They travelled well to their new homes on Natucket Island, MA, in South Burlington, VA, and Saint John, NB. Two will be introduced to conformation and obedience at the appropriate age post-COVID.

  • Long Lane Seafaring Mariner (Penderyn)

  • Seafaring Halban of Long Lane (Gustav)

  • Long Lane Seafaring Maid of the Isles (Isla)

‘STORM’ Litter

May 9, 2020

Harlow (CH Don’s Cirque du Soleil) was bred to Tom (US CH/SE U(u) CH SEV-10 Clussexx Pay Per View For Don’s) and delivered 8 puppies during a flash snow Saturday, May 9, 2020. These 8 puppies (6 girls and 2 boys) left the nest for their forever homes in Halifax, NS, Charlottetown, PEI, Victoria, BC, Kitchener, ON, Atlanta, GA, and Wilmington, NC. Harlow was a lovely and wonderful mother, very chilled through the whole process and took up surrogate mothering duties for Emma. These puppies are the calmest puppies …. just wait!

  • Long Lane Storm Chaser (Pinto)

  • Long Lane Stormy Seas (Isidora/Issy)

  • Long Lane Red Storm Rising (Poppy)

  • Long Lane Atlantic Storm (Edie)

  • AKC/CKC Ch Long Lane Dark and Stormy Night (Charlie)

  • Long Lane Rider on the Storm (Thomson)

  • Long Lane Storm Trigger (Trig)

  • Long Lane Calm Before the Storm (

(top L-R: Pinto (Olive); Izzy (Grace); Edie (Greta); Charlie (Poppy)

(bottom L-R: Thomson (Tom); Poppy (Briar); Trig (Trig)


‘AHEAD’ Litter

May 5, 2020

Emma Sue (CH Clussexx Ahead of Her Time) came for a visit in January and stayed to be bred to frozen Quinn (GCH Rolyart’s Sound of Thunder). Emma delivered (although 2.5 days early) 7 very small puppies with two, sadly, passing on their second day. The remaining 5 were every bit as active and cheeky as their mother. True sparks! These puppies have gone to their forever homes in Worcester, MA; on Long Island, NY, Brattleboro, VT, Austin, TX, and New City, NY.

  • Long Lane Ahead of the Curve (Mylo)

  • AKC Ch Long Lane Ahead of the Storm (Butter)

  • Long Lane Ahead of the Party (Elsa)

  • Long Lane Ahead of the Class (Dottie)

  • Long Lane Ahead of Her Time (Ruby)

Introducing the Golden Girls.JPG

'HEART’ Litter

December 14, 2019

Pippin (CH Long Lane’s Promise to Limberlost) was bred to Quinn (GCH Rolyarts Sound of Thunder) and delivered 6 puppies via a planned c-section by Dr. Eric Carnegy early on Saturday, December 14th. Six puppies (4 girls and 2 boys) traveled to the Valley, and showed themselves to be funny, entertaining, and smart puppies as they grew. All puppies have their forever homes selected and traveled to Worcester, MA, Middlebury, VT, Saltspring Island, BC, Edmonton, AB, Missasauga, ON, and Canaan, NS starting mid-February. Pippin has turned out to be a most kind and loving mother and tolerant of all silly puppy activities.

  • Long Lane Heart to Heart (Aspen)

  • Long Lane Be Still My Heart (Mrs. Landingham)

  • Long Lane Heart of Brightness (Stella)

  • Long Lane Song in Our Hearts (Henry David)

  • Long Lane Own Heart’s Delight (Brychan)

  • AKC/CKC Ch Long Lane Heart of My Heart (Bliss)

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‘PHI’ Litter

April 2, 2019

Pippin (CH Long Lane’s Promise to Limberlost) was bred to Hugo (SE CH Don’s Superman) through AI and delivered 5 pups (3 boys & 2 girls) on April 2, 2019. Pippin turned out to be a great momma to the litter. The whole litter was inquisitive and quiet and are now living with their forever owners in ON, NS, and SC.

  • Long Lane Phi Alpha Mu (Mae)

  • Long Lane Phi Beta Delta (Toby)

  • Long Lane Phi Gamma Delta (Piper)

  • Long Lane Phi Delta Theta (Fiddler)

  • Long Lane Phi Epsilon Pi (Finch)

The crew @ 530am in the morning.

The crew @ 530am in the morning.

‘WH’ Litter

November 21, 2018

Harlow finally came into season during the summer and was bred to Watson (Long Lane Lasting Impression) and then delivered 8 puppies (4 girls, 4 boys) over three hours without incident. This was Harlow’s first litter and she was a fabulous and patient momma. The puppies were bright, funny, active, yet wonderful lap puppies. These puppies have all travelled to their forever homes in Houston TX, Brooklyn NY, Olathe KS, Victoria BC (Canada), Princeton NJ, and Street MD.

  • Long Lane When Stars Align (Cosie)

  • Long Lane Whisper Words of Wisdom (Zizia)

  • Long Lane Who’s On First (Mickey)

  • Long Lane Whole Lotta Life of Reilly (Reilly)

  • Long Lane Whence She Came (Spur)

  • Long Lane Whistles Down The Wind (Mabli)

  • Long Lane Who’s Counting (Wedge)

  • Long Lane Where Ferguson Runs (Fergus)

Harlow and her pups @ 2 days old

Harlow and her pups @ 2 days old



April 5, 2018

Teddy came into season unexpectedly (as I was waiting for Pippin and/or Harlow) and I elected to use frozen semen for her (absolute!) last litter, bred to Tom (CH Clussexx Pay For View for Don’s). She safely delivered 8 puppies (5 boys and 3 girls) via c-section followed by her spay. All of these puppies either reside on the water or has direct access to the water, thus the nautical theme. They are all living wonderful lives in Scituate, MA, Hingham, MA, Boston, MA, Woodstock, VT, Ithaca, NY, New York City, NY, Toronto, ON, and Coldbrook, NS. 

  • Lord Leonwood at Long Lane (Woody)

  • Lord Rowan Seafield of Long Lane (Rowan)

  • Long Lane Two If By Sea (Tibs)

  • Stella Maris of Long Lane (Gemma)

  • Long Lane's Child of the Wandering Sea (Clover)

  • CA GCH/AKC CH Long Lane Helmsman Sent From Heaven (Dante)

  • Laker of Long Lane (Finleigh)

  • AKC CH Long Lane Boatswain's Mate of HMS Halsted (Bos'n)



July 4, 2016

In the early hours of July 4, 2016, Pippin delivered 5 puppies (3 boys, 2 girls). These puppies now live in Illinois, Philadelphia, PA, St. Louis,, MO, Virginia, and in a small village in the UK. 

  • Long Lane Amber Waves (Ruby)

  • Long Lane for Spacious Skies (Baxter)

  • Long Lane Rockets' Red Glare (Traveler)

  • Long Lane God Shed His Grace on Thee (Abigail)

  • Long Lane Dawn's Early Light (Lenny)


'Last' Litter 

July 9, 2016

Teddy's (almost) last litter, bred to Justice (CH Ivywild’s Dew Unto Others, CGC), is her most tempered one. Separated from Pippin's puppies until they were two weeks old,  they came together as active, smart and responsive! They now live in Scituate, MA, Lexington, KY, Bar Harbour, ME, and Columbia, SC.

  • Long Lane First and Last (Oliver)

  • AKC Ch Long Lane Lasting Impressions (Watson)

  • Long Lane She Who Laughs Last (Lucy)

  • Long Lane Last But Not Least (Redford)


'Time' Litter

December 28, 2015

After a leisurely drive from NS to ME to NY and finally to Lawrenceville, NJ, Teddy delivered 4 healthy puppies (1 boy, 3 girls — sired by GCHG Clussexx Step Right Up, Barney) within an hour after arriving JUST IN TIME. Teddy enjoyed Tessa's and Marion's company during her confinement. These puppies went to their forever homes in Florida, on a large acreage in Maryland, and, by the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

  • Long Lane Time and Again (Baer)

  • GCHS Long Lane Showtime Gal (Myf)

  • Long Lane Time of Wonder (Willa)

  • Long Lane Third Time's A Charm (Lila)


'Winter' Litter

March 4, 2014

Snow and storms was the name of the game when Teddy was bred to Freedom (GCH Ivywild's Seven Blessings) and whelped 7 little blessings. The worst storms to hit NS and MA did not deter our travels to Boston for breeding and NJ for whelping. These puppies went to their forever homes in CO, PA, NY, MA, VA, and RI just when winter was ending!

  • Long Lane Winter Solstice (Boone)

  • Long Lane Winter Iceman (Kiki)

  • Long Lane Winter El Nino (Rafa)

  • Long Lane Winter in Wiscassett (Cooper)

  • Long Lane Winter Blessing (Wilma)

  • Long Lane Winter Rose (Honey)

  • CH Long Lane Winter's Traveler (Tucker)


'Promise' Litter

April 14, 2012

This was Teddy's first litter, bred to Gabe (CH Rolyart It’s All About the Timing). As it was a litter promised by Teddy's co-owner Colleen O'Keefe (along with the promise of Teddy's CH), promise became the litter theme. The litter was whelped at Rolyart's as Colleen was ill at the time. She returned  home to spend time with the puppies but re-entered the hospital as the first puppy was going to her forever home. Sadly, Colleen passed away two weeks later. These puppies are currently loved by their families in AZ, RI, IO, MN, WA, and NS. 

  • CH Long Lane's Promise to Limberlost (Pippin)

  • Long Lane Promises, Promises (Chelsea)

  • Long Lane Oh Promise Me (Jasper)

  • Long Lane Promise the Moon (Ruger)

  • Long Lane A Lick and A Promise (Maisy)

  • Long Lane A Promise is a Promise (Ella)

  • Long Lane Promises to Keep (Miles)

The ‘Promise’ Litter, April 2012

The ‘Promise’ Litter, April 2012